terça-feira, julho 28, 2009

hide & seek

Originally uploaded by Olivia Bee

Wake me up before I sleep and I'll promise you that I'll concentrate
On only the last frame
Cover only one sound
Some kinda sweet, weird kinda strange around me
Wake me up before I sleep can't you see too many colours here,
colours there
colours everywhere
cover only one ground
the blackest of blacks I don't want to surround me
There's nothing I can say, that isn't gonna be
there's nothing I can do, that isn't gonna be a mistake
Wake me up before I sleep, I haven't had an inch of what I thought I got
from this awful high
cover me in one dye
just lie here with me we'll let the train go by
There's nothing I can say, that isn't gonna be
there's nothing in my way, I know it's gonna be a mistake

dEUS, Wake me up before i sleep

sexta-feira, julho 24, 2009

universum : bett

ich frage dich wie ich heisse, wer ich bin, meine lieblingsfarbe oder film oder lied.... du zögerst. Nackt...zünde ich eine zigarette an. ich ziehe langsam. du liegst genauso ungeschützt neben mir aber die zigarette ist das einzige was wir wirklich miteinander teilen. Komisch, das wort wir zu nutzen, wenn über dich und mich geredet wird.
erlaube mir deine hand zu holen. ich verstecke sie zwischen meine beine. du kennst mein körper

aber ich bin dir fremd.

foto: http://www.neon.de/kat/gallery/bild/212806/?comingfrom=best&bildid=212806

quarta-feira, julho 22, 2009

cool & doof

Plug it in and change the world.
Originally uploaded by Olivia Bee

If i bought those wings the other day it was not because i wanted to fly myself.

i'll cut them and sew them and prepare them to fit my heart.

I heard the world as corners so... when i'm finished i'll send my other to the corner opposite to the one you're living in... i just can't seem to handle loneliness when you are around.

Until then... i'll fill a box full of the feeling of you.

domingo, julho 19, 2009

Where were you after all?

Originally uploaded by Sleeping bears

Ran Out of Emotional Supplies . Built a Castle to Hide, not to Live . Laid Naked on the Kitchen Floor . And Waited . Drowned in Wine . Scream Underwater . Smiled . Seemed ok . Choked on Packs of Cigarettes . Glued pictures on the ceiling . Counted sheeps to fall Asleep without Thinking of You . Cared More . Felt less . Painted imaginary Rainbows on the Floor . Spelled Poetry aloud . Read Books with Love Stories . Made Myself Silly . Felt Sorry . Walked around on Underwear . Sat on my Bed . Printed Pictures of You . Saved the Bad Taste on my Tongue . Touched the Empty Space next to Mine . Wrote Letters i Meant to send You . Made Love to You in My Dreams . Pretended to be a Princess . A Whore . A Woman . Fucked Memories of You . Talked to You in the Dark . And You never Called . Now . I guess I am Out of Ideas.

sábado, julho 18, 2009


Quis tapar as feridas, ignorar as cicatrizes.
Tentei apagar as lembranças dos toques, das conversas, dos futuros.
Arrumei as fotografias, as cartas, os objectos.

Desejei um corpo limpo e isento de vícios, de excessos...

foto extraída de: http://bighugelabs.com/onblack.php?id=3638823978&size=large

quarta-feira, julho 15, 2009


Originally uploaded by Chrissie White

Give three thousands reasons to say no.

They're yours. Not mine.

terça-feira, julho 14, 2009

(glückliche) kronische unzufriedenheit

Originally uploaded by Olivia Bee

Só para que saibas...

não há nada de errado nas pessoas que nascem de binóculos. Binóculos na alma e não nos olhos.

sábado, julho 11, 2009

quarta-feira, julho 08, 2009

Quem foi que os cortou?

Le moulin
Originally uploaded by IrenaS

Cortaram os trigos. Agora

a minha solidão

vê-se melhor.

Sophia de Mello Breyner

terça-feira, julho 07, 2009


"Wir lassen nie vom Suchen ab, und doch, am Ende allen unseren Suchens, sind wir am Ausgangspunkt zurück und werden diesen Ort zum ersten Mal erfassen."

T.S. Eliot

domingo, julho 05, 2009


Originally uploaded by Olivia Bee

Mandei um postal para o fundo das minhas memórias. Pedi-lhes com jeitinho para que me mandassem uma imagem tua. Uma imagem com data de expiração, a terminar ainda hoje. Não. Não lhes pedi uma fotografia recente. Não. Pedi-lhes um detalhe, um pormenor daquela cumplicidade de outrora que já tinhamos esquecido mesmo quando ainda partilhavamos esporadicamente a mesma cama.
Queria que me tivessem enviado uma imagem desse nosso esporádico que sabia a morangos frescos numa noite fria de inverno.

Esperei dias. Esperei noite. Umas vezes com mais ansiedade que outras. Abri religiosamente todos os dias a caixa do correio para ver se te encontrava... nesse espaço da minha ilusão com uma cesta de morangos. Mas encontrei sempre aquele quadrado vazio que aos poucos foi ganhando o meu carinho.

Hoje aventurei-me. Neste meu labirinto de recordações, caras feias e gestos bonitos. Procurei-te em cada cantinho de mim só para te ver mais uma última vez, na esperança absurda de poder dar-te aquele beijo de despedida que congelei no canto da boca para quando te voltasse a encontrar.
Agora já nem sei para onde ele foi. Ainda bem que não te encontrei... não tinha palavras para te dar, só esse beijo perdido com sabor aos nossos morangos de inverno.



Acredito agora em quem sempre me disse que os morangos só se comem no verão.

quinta-feira, julho 02, 2009

you can see i'm no easy ride...

I bring you a tale of the broken seas
and I'm drowning in whisky and beer
my doctor reports if I don't stop soon
I'll drown in an ocean of tears

I looked to you and saw my desire
went from the frying pan into the fire
surrendered to sorrow and was undone
now I'm praying that it won't be long

we fucked up the sun into kingdom come
you are under my blood and my skin
living life at each other's throats
in the gilded sailboat of sin

ours was an ocean to swim around in
ours was an ocean I should have drowned in
my doctor reports that we must be strong
but I'm praying that it won't be long

Mark Lanegan & Isobel Campbel

quarta-feira, julho 01, 2009

The Plan

(Gu) guesstimations
Originally uploaded by brainsforlunch

Sure i had a plan.

Missed the train.


No one there.